Saturday, October 25, 2008

What's Goin' On...

Mother, mother... there's too many of you cryin'... (that was in reference to the title of this blog)

So, things are great! Busy, but great! I have no life except school, lessons, Ben, and now musical directing a show at MCT. Any and all free time is gladly spent at home. Therefore, I don't really have any good stories. I'll just post the latest pictures.

The big baby news this month is that we started solids. So of course we have all the obligatory "messy eater" shots. Bear with me. I'm pretty sure, though, that my kid is cuter than most when eating messily. I'm a big fan of the solids... he is much more content and sleeping better than before. It makes me realize that he must have been pretty hungry before we started them.

First bite of cereal! Not sure what to think yet.

First time I punched the bowl out of Mom's hand while eating. (Yes, this has happened several times.)

Mmmm. I LOVE cereal now.

Indeed, Benjamin. Indeed.

Oooh, sweet potatoes! Now we're talking! (And puking orange!)

I like to hold the spoon when I can.

I like to put it in my eye.

Now for some random pictures.


Everything goes in my mouth these days.

I am already beginning my career as a musician.

See, I have a guitar AND a drum, and several very awesome rattles.

I still like to fall asleep on Mom's shoulder sometimes. I do it for her, 'cause she really likes it.


KassiahMyers said...

Very cute pictures. Sounds like you are keeping really busy! I am glad he is liking foods and sleeping better, that is great! I love it when they are little and fall asleep on you, that is the best ever!

Abaigael said...

Yay for new pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I especially like your guitar pic Benamino! Cormick will play the oatmeal box in your band any day!

Suzanne said...

Yeah for more Ben pictures. But I must say, I enjoyed YOUR picture on Brittany's blog the most! See you in a few weeks!