Well, Peter and I are dumb rule-abiding concert-goers. We did not try to sneak our phones or cameras into the finale. Dumb! Everyone had them! And it was seriously the most amazing concert ever... Mainly because of this guy.

Adam Lambert... how I love thee. Let me count the ways. I love thy eyeliner. ("guyliner.") I love thy rocking tenor voice. I love most things about thee. I accept that thou art probably gay. That's ok. Anyway... he was the one I was most excited to see. The fact that he didn't win ALMOST RUINED THE WHOLE NIGHT FOR ME. I will NOT mention "the other guy." He bores me to tears; I'm getting tired just thinking about him. But it was awesome to see Adam, not to mention all of these fine performances:

Norman! An earlier contestant! I LOVED him! He is hilarious.

Adam sang with KISS. It was fantastic.

The finalists. (They are really bad dancers - even I could do better.)

Ugh. The other guy. But I liked this song with Keith Urban.

Who's that on the red carpet? Oh, that's Adam Lambert's girlfriend.

Allison. I LOVED her too. Singing with Cyndi Lauper.

Adam singing with Queen. He could be in the band... he's awesome.
Other people we saw:
The Black Eyed Peas
Queen Latifah
Rod Stewart
Jason Mraz
Carlos Santana
David Cook
Lionel Richie
Steve Martin
There may be others that I'm forgetting...
Anyway. Not much else to say. It was the raddest show ever.
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