Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Grind

I bet many of you have been wondering how I spend my days when my mom and dad are working... well, I have very important things going on, as you can see. These pictures are from Jen, who takes care of me and gives me loves all day, every day! I'm very lucky to have Jen and all of my buddies from day care. Above, you can see my friend Todd and I. We are making some important calls.

Here are Todd and I sharing a loving moment.

We are so cute.

This is Adam, Jen's son. He is there in the afternoons after school. He's teaching me how to play game boy! So cool.

Todd is awesome. He can crawl like crazy and pull himself up. I, however, still have no interest in moving on my own... someone can carry me around, thank you very much.

Yes, I am a happy boy!

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