Here are some pictures of Ben this past month.

This may be my FAVORITE picture of Ben ever. This is also my favorite time of day... first thing in the morning when he wakes up. He is very happy when I come to get him out of bed.

So happy!
So sweet.
He still loves this chair. It's the best money I ever spent.
Look at those sweet boys. Ben smiles in his sleep.

We did our monthly date swap with Brittnie and Dan Keilman. Ben's best friend Cormick came over for a night of fun (a.k.a. insane crying and unhappiness) and the Keilman's went out for dinner and fun. This picture happened when Peter was heating up a bottle and both babies started wailing uncontrollably. They just both needed to be held... there was no choosing just one.

This next set of pictures came from a big event in September... UM homecoming! On September 20, the whole family took part in the Alumni Band activities. Peter and I marched in the band. Peter strapped Ben to his front in the baby bjorn. It was quite an attraction, apparently. Ben slept through the whole parade and was unphased by the event. My mom also joined us and twirled baton with the band. She was by far the highlight of the parade!
Ready to march! Everyone in Griz gear.
Griz boy at the game!
First griz touchdown.
The family. Ben, looking oh-so-pleased.
Not even the cannon and 25,000 fans can wake him up!
Getting ready to march!
Mom warms up.

This next set of pictures came from a big event in September... UM homecoming! On September 20, the whole family took part in the Alumni Band activities. Peter and I marched in the band. Peter strapped Ben to his front in the baby bjorn. It was quite an attraction, apparently. Ben slept through the whole parade and was unphased by the event. My mom also joined us and twirled baton with the band. She was by far the highlight of the parade!

1 comment:
Yay!!! So cute!
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